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Traveling with Dementia Patients


Attached is the document related to the group therapy program at UMP Hospital and 30/4 Hospital.

  1. Plan Carefully: When travelling with a dementia patient, careful planning is crucial to ensure a safe and comfortable trip. Choose a suitable destination, prioritising locations that are easily accessible and have supporting infrastructure such as restrooms and resting areas. Before departing, thoroughly research transportation options to ensure they meet the patient's needs. Prepare necessary items such as medications, medical records, and personal belongings to help the patient feel comfortable throughout the trip.
  2. Ensure Safety and Comfort: Special attention must be paid to the patient's safety and comfort during the trip. Ensure they are always supervised and supported while moving, especially in crowded areas or unfamiliar terrain. Provide mobility aids such as walking sticks or walkers if needed. Additionally, plan for regular rest breaks to prevent the patient from becoming fatigued or stressed.
  3. Communicate Clearly and Provide Information: Clear and effective communication is essential when caring for a dementia patient while travelling. Use simple and understandable language to explain the activities and schedule of the trip. Ensure the patient understands any changes in their surroundings and what will happen next. Be patient and ready to listen if the patient has questions or concerns about the trip.
  4. Prepare for Emergencies: Always be prepared for potential emergencies during the trip. Carry a basic first aid kit and a list of emergency phone numbers, including contact information for local medical facilities and the primary caregiver. Additionally, identify nearby locations where help or medical care can be obtained. This preparation will help alleviate anxiety and ensure that you can respond promptly if an incident occurs
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