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Mobility Safety and Fall Prevention


Attached is the document related to the group therapy program at UMP Hospital and 30/4 Hospital.

Creating a Safe Environment: To prevent falls for dementia patients, the first step is ensuring their living environment is safe and free from accident risks. Keep walkways clear and unobstructed, and remove obstacles such as electrical cords, slippery rugs, and items that could cause tripping. Use safety features such as handrails on stairs and good lighting in high-risk areas. Specifically, ensure that bathrooms and toilets are equipped with non-slip mats and fixed grab bars to reduce the risk of falls.

Supporting Safe Mobility: Dementia patients often have difficulty maintaining balance and coordinating bodily movements. To support safe mobility, use assistive devices such as walkers or canes, especially when the patient needs to move inside the house or outside. Guide and encourage the patient to move slowly and carefully, avoiding sudden movements. Regularly check and adjust assistive devices to ensure they function correctly and meet the patient’s needs.

Enhancing Supervision and Training: Training caregivers and family members in safe mobility techniques and fall risk recognition is crucial. They need to understand methods for helping the patient move safely, including providing support from behind and using appropriate mobility techniques. Additionally, regular supervision is necessary to ensure that preventive measures are implemented correctly and to promptly detect and address any issues that could lead to falls. Maintaining contact with healthcare professionals for further advice and support is essential for patient safety.

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