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Essential Activities to Maintain


Maintaining essential activities for patients with dementia is crucial to support positive development and ensure that patients feel connected and valued. These activities improve the quality of life and help alleviate disease symptoms.

  1. Physical Activity: Regular physical activity is significant for dementia patients. Walking, gentle yoga, and simple exercises help improve overall health, maintain flexibility, and reduce the risk of falls. Physical activity also improves mood and reduces anxiety, helping patients feel more energetic and healthy.
  2. Cognitive Stimulation: Activities that stimulate the mind, such as puzzles, intellectual games, or mental exercises, are crucial for maintaining brain function. These activities help patients retain their memory and information-processing abilities while encouraging active participation in daily activities. Reading books, journaling, and memory exercises are helpful ways to support cognitive function.
  3. Social Interaction: Maintaining social connections is an essential factor in preserving the mental health of dementia patients. Engaging in social activities, such as meeting with friends and family, participating in community groups, or attending social events, helps patients feel cared for and reduces loneliness. Social interactions provide emotional support and encourage patients to maintain communication and social skills.
  4. Daily Activities and Personal Hobbies: Encouraging patients to maintain daily activities and hobbies helps create continuity and satisfaction. Tasks such as cooking, gardening, or engaging in crafts keep patients occupied and provide opportunities to express their abilities and interests. Participating in activities that patients enjoy creates a sense of autonomy and fulfilment while maintaining a sense of identity and purpose in life.
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